Carime Muvdi

Location: Holywood FL, United States.

Services: Web Design, Book Editing, Mobile Design, Social Media Design, Email Marketing.

Carime Muvdi is a certified Nutritionist who specializes in helping and motivating people achieve their goals through proper nutrition and exercise, creating life-long healthy habits.

The Client was looking to establish a strong online presence to promote her book “How to Look & Feel Fabulous after 50”.

Our collaboration with Carime Muvdi included:

  • Designing a mobile-friendly website.
  • Developing social media branding designs.
  • Crafting a targeted email marketing campaign.
  • Book Editing.
Carime Muvdi| Web Design
Carime Muvdi| Mobile Friendly Design
Carime Muvdi| Mobile Design
Carime Muvdi| Social Media Design - Facebook
Carime Muvdi| Email Marketing Design

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If you are starting a new project or looking to revamp your existing brand, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

We will help you creating a brand identity and designing cohesive digital experiences to expand your reach and connect with your audience.

Creative Group Solutions | Elevate your Brand Presence

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